3,389. Six Things Obligate Produce in Tithes

Hilchos Maaser 3:3

Six things require that tithes be taken from produce: bringing it into one’s courtyard, transacting business with it, exposing it to fire, salting it, taking terumah from it and the arrival of Shabbos. Any one of these will require that tithes be taken, but only after the completion of the labor of the produce.

Hilchos Maaser 3:4

Pursuant to the previous halacha, one may snack from produce that he plans to bring home – even after its labor has been completed – until it enters his house. Once it enters his house, tithes must be taken and he may no longer eat from it before tithing. Similarly, if he sold the produce, cooked it in fire, pickled it in salt, took terumah from it or if Shabbos arrived, he may not eat from it until he takes tithes from it, even if it has not reached his home. If one brought the produce into his house before its labor has been completed, he may continue to snack from it; once he starts to complete its labor, he must tithe all of it. An example is if one brought home gourds and squash before he rubbed off their hairs. Once he starts rubbing one of them, all of them become obligated in tithes. The same is true in all comparable cases. Likewise, if one takes terumah from produce whose labors have not yet been completed, he may snack from it – except for a basket of figs. If he takes terumah from such figs even before their labor has been completed, they must be tithed.