3,388. Snacking From Untithed Produce

Hilchos Maaser 3:1

When produce has reached the time of tithes and has been detached from the ground but its labor has not been completed, such as if grain was harvested and threshed but not yet winnowed, or if the pile of grain has not yet been smoothed, one may eat some of it as a snack prior to its completion. Once those labors have been completed, it is prohibited to snack from it.

Hilchos Maaser 3:2

The previous halacha applies when the labors are being completed so that the produce can be sold in the market. However, if one’s intention is to bring the produce into his home, then he may snack from it after its labor has been completed until something happens that requires tithes to be taken. (This will be explained in the next halacha.)