3,387. Tithing Hekdesh

Hilchos Maaser 2:7

Let’s say that someone mixed water with the dregs of wine and then filtered it. If he added three parts water and the result was a total of four parts, he must tithe this extra part from other produce. He need not take terumah because one takes terumah intending it to be terumah for the whole crop, as we previously discussed. If the resulting volume is less than four parts, it is exempt from tithes. This is the case even if the volume of the result is greater than what he added and has the taste of wine.

Hilchos Maaser 2:8

Let’s say that someone consecrated his produce while it was still attached to the ground but before it reached the time of tithes. If he subsequently redeemed it, after which it reached the time of tithes, he must tithe the produce. If the produce reached the time of tithes while still in the possession of the Temple treasury and he subsequently redeemed it, it is exempt from tithes.