3,379. Appointing an Agent to Take Tithes

Hilchos Maaser 1:7

Any produce regarding which we said terumah could not be taken from A for B also applies to maaser; any produce regarding which we said terumah is valid if taken from A for B also applies to maaser. Any produce that is exempt from having terumah taken is also exempt from having maaser taken. Anyone who can take terumah can also take maaser, and anyone who shouldn’t take terumah – but it’s valid if they do – the same applies to maaser. Finally, one whose taking of terumah is ineffective is likewise ineffective regarding maaser.

Hilchos Maaser 1:8

If Person X tells Person Y that he’s going to use Y as his agent to take maaser, X need not stand by to ensure that he does it. However, if Y tells X, “Use me as your agent to take maaser,” then X must stand by him and watch.