3,373. Terumah Wine That Spills onto Produce

Terumos 15:17

Let’s say that there are two cups of wine – one terumah and the other secular. Each of them was mixed with water and then the two were mixed together. In such a case, we act as if the secular wine wasn’t there at all and only the terumah wine was mixed with the water; this is because water is not of the same kind as wine. If there’s enough water to nullify the taste of the terumah wine in the mixture, then the mixture is permitted to non-kohanim, otherwise it is prohibited because water doesn’t nullify wine, as was previously discussed.

Terumos 15:18

If terumah wine falls onto produce, it may be washed and the produce remains permitted; the same is true of terumah oil. If terumah oil falls onto secular wine, one should solidify it (so that it can be removed) and the wine remains permitted to non-kohanim. If such oil mixes with brine, one should solidify it and remove the top layer of brine with it. In this manner, all the brine with the taste of oil will be removed.