Chapter 16 part 1: The Creation of the World - Day Six

Three Things on Which the World Stands (Gemach, Avodah, Torah) = Avraham, Yitzchak, & Yaakov = Chessed, Gevurah, Tiferet / On what covenant (bris) does the world stand? / Avodah = Tefillah (Prayer) and Korbanot (Sacrifices) / Why is making a bride and groom happy the epitome of Chessed? / God gladdens Adam and Eve at their wedding / Lovingkindness: Becoming a partner in creation / The changing definition of Chessed / The History of Sheva Brachos / Finding a Shidduch for Yitzchak / Playing Around with the rules of yerushah (inheritance) / Eliezer's 3 hour journey / Rivkah's royal lineage (Terach, Nachor, Bethuel) / The king's right to a virgin's "first night"