Numbers 9:23

עַל פִּי ה’ יַחֲנוּ וְעַל פִּי ה’ יִסָּעו אֶת מִשְׁמֶרֶת ה’ שָׁמָרוּ עַל פִּי ה’ בְּיַד מֹשֶׁה

At the command of G-d they camped and at the command of G-d they journeyed; they kept the charge of G-d, at the command of G-d by the hand of Moses.

The last words of this verse are appended to Deuteronomy 4:44 during hagbah, when the Torah is displayed to the congregation. Rashi on Numbers 9:18 explains the meaning of “at the command of G-d by the hand of Moses.” When it was time for the Jews to travel, G-d’s cloud would rise. It would not depart, however, until Moshe said, “Return, Hashem, to the tens of thousands of Israel” (Numbers 10:36). Therefore, this was G-d’s command, carried out through Moshe.