3,358. Definite vs. Doubtful Terumah

Terumos 14:8

If there’s definitely terumah in a mixture, it’s prohibited even if the mixture is 100 times the terumah’s volume. If there’s just a doubt regarding terumah, then it’s prohibited up to 50 times its volume (inclusive). It only becomes permitted in a majority (i.e., adding enough secular produce so that the mixture is 101 times the terumah). If there’s more than 50, such a majority is unnecessary. For example, if one terumah fig fell into 99 secular figs and they’re all still there, they are all prohibited to non-kohanim, as has already been discussed.

Terumos 14:9

If one fig (from the previous halacha) got lost, it might have been one of the secular figs, but it almost might have been the terumah fig. Now, the mixture is prohibited until one adds 51 more secular figs from elsewhere. If one terumah fig fell into 51 secular figs and then one fig got lost, what remains is permitted to non-kohanim.