6. Causing Others to Lie and Keeping One’s Word

Dedicated by Fran Broder as a zechus for the hostages to be released safely to their families and may everlasting peace come to Eretz Yisrael in the merit of learning Hilchot Bein Adam L’Chaveiro

1.    In addition to telling a lie oneself, one should also not speak to others in a manner that one suspects may prompt them to speak untruthfully (Pele Yoetz, “sheker”). For example, one who hears others speaking in whispers or telling secrets should not repeatedly inquire about the nature of their conversation, as this may cause them to lie to her if they do not wish to reveal what they said (Halichot Bein Adam L’chaveiro 20:17). Similarly, one should not ask another to borrow an item that one is sure they do not want to lend, as they may lie about it to avoid feeling pressured (Pele Yoetz, “sheker”).  

2. One should try to keep one’s word in all situations so as to always speak the truth (Bava Metzia 49a; Sukkah 46b). For example, if one promises one’s child a prize for behaving nicely, one must try their utmost to give them the prize. Not giving the child the prize promised may also violate the prohibition of withholding wages (“bal talin”). (Kitzur Dinei Bal Talin, p.51, citing R. Chaim Kanievsky)