3,342. Waiting to Be Given the Terumah

Terumos 12:14

If dough was kneaded with water that had been left uncovered (which is considered a danger), it must be burned even if it’s terumah.

Terumos 12:15

A kohein is not permitted to take terumah or any of the other gifts given to kohanim until they’ve been separated by their owners. This is derived from Numbers 18:12 – “The first (produce) that they will give to God I have given you” – and 18:19 – “that the Israelites will offer to God are given to you.” We see that the people must offer them first, after which the kohanim can take them. After these gifts have been separated, the kohanim may only take them with the knowledge of the owners. This is because the owner has the right to give the gift to any kohein he wishes, as per Numbers 5:10, “A person's sanctified objects will belong to him.” However, if a kohein takes the gifts without the owner’s knowledge, the acquisition is valid. This is because all the owner really has is the right to distribute these gifts, which has no financial value.