3,341. Terumah Exposed to Potential Dangers
Terumos 12:12
If a loaf of terumah bread is rendered unclean, it should be discarded to the woodpile until it’s used as fuel. Similarly, terumah oil that is rendered unclean should be placed in a repulsive vessel – to prevent consumption – until it’s used as fuel. If wheat is rendered unclean, it should be scalded and placed in a repulsive vessel until it’s no longer fit to eat. At this point it’s used as fuel for an oven or stove. Liquids such as wine that can’t be used for fuel are buried.
Terumos 12:13
If terumah wine is left uncovered, with the result that it can’t be drunk, it is poured out. The same is true of figs, grapes, gourds, squash, melons and cucumbers of terumah that are found perforated (presumably by snakes). These may not be eaten because of the potential danger, so they should be tossed in the sea or buried.