Divine Dimensions: Shabbat Nachamu
This week, we continue the series of ten Haftarot that are connected to the time of year rather than a haftarah thematically related to the weekly Parsha. We begin the series known as the Shiva d’Nechemta, the Seven Haftarot of Consolation. This week’s Haftarah - Nachamu is the first of the seven Haftarot of consolation.
When one takes a look at our planet, it is hard to fathom its creation. The myriad of habitats that shelter a plethora of creatures and unique elements are vast in their design. Tall mountains, deep valleys, wide oceans and sweeping deserts - how can one comprehend its creation?
The Navi Yeshayahu intrigues us with a description of Hashem measuring the water, heavens, earth and mountains. מִֽי־מָדַ֨ד בְּשׇׁעֳל֜וֹ מַ֗יִם וְשָׁמַ֙יִם֙ בַּזֶּ֣רֶת תִּכֵּ֔ן וְכָ֥ל בַּשָּׁלִ֖שׁ עֲפַ֣ר הָאָ֑רֶץ וְשָׁקַ֤ל בַּפֶּ֙לֶס֙ הָרִ֔ים וּגְבָע֖וֹת בְּמֹאזְנָֽיִם׃, Who measured the waters in His palm, and gauged the Heavens with a span, and meted earth’s dust with a measure, and weighed the mountains with a scale and the hills with a balance
What tools does one use to measure elements so enormous with features that seemingly defy measurement? Even using today’s sophisticated machinery and technology, one would have a difficult time translating these elements into meaningful and measurable units. How can one measure the heavens? All the water on earth? The weight of the mountains? One can only picture the enormity of G-d’s tools. But the posuk suggests otherwise. Hashem’s toolbox contains a fist to measure water, a handspan to measure the heavens, a measure to assess the dust of the earth and a scale to weigh the mountains. How is it possible that these small tools can measure an earth so vast?
Yeshayahu’s message to us is that our world is not as large as we think. What we see as all-encompassing and immense is minuscule in the eyes of G-d. What for us would be daunting is easily doable for Hashem. Redemption from our prolonged Galus may at times seem impossible to us and yet for Hashem, says Yeshayau, it will only take small weights and measures for Him to mete out. May we merit the time when Hashem doles out His blessings and comforts us without measure and bounds.