3,329. Benefiting From a Kohein's Lamp

Terumos 11:16

A kohein can fill a lamp with (terumah) oil for burning and give it to a Yisroel to take into the attic in order to perform an errand for the kohein, but not for the Yisroel. If the kohein and Yisroel are business partners, then it is permitted.

Terumos 11:17

If a Yisroel is the guest of a kohein, who lights (terumah) oil for burning for him and then goes away, the Yisroel need not extinguish it, letting it burn until it goes out on its own. A Yisroel can dip a wick in a kohein’s lamp and light it so that he may walk by its light. [The prohibition of ritually unclean oil is rabbinic in origin and they did not extend it to such a case.]