3,324. Anointing With Terumah Oil

Terumos 11:6

Terumah oil may not be used to seal an oven or a stove [ancient ovens were made of clay and were sealed shut when in use], nor may it be rubbed on a shoe or a sandal, nor on one’s foot while it’s in the footwear. One may, however, rub terumah oil on his foot and then put on his shoe, or rub his body with the oil and then roll on a new leather mat. We are not concerned, even though these things will be treated by the oil. One may not, however, pour oil on a stone tablet to roll on because doing this wastes and ruins the oil.

Terumos 11:7

Anyone who eats terumah – even fruit –must first wash his hands. This is so even if his hands are ritually clean, as we will discuss IY”H in Hilchos Shaar Avos Hatuma. Terumah may not be eaten at the same table with a non-kohein out of concern that he might eat some. Terumah from outside of Israel may be eaten at the same table with a non-kohein. Like secular food, it does not require washing one’s hands before eating it. One may not anoint with terumah oil using dirty hands, but if the oil spilled onto his skin, he may rub it in using dirty hands. One may rub terumah oil on a baby during its first seven days because a newborn isn’t considered “uncircumcised” for those first seven days.