3,318. Giving Ritually Clean Terumah to an Unlearned Person

Terumos 10:20

If someone eats ritually unclean terumah, he can repay from regular produce that is ritually clean or ritually unclean. If he ate ritually clean terumah, he can only repay using regular produce that is ritually clean. If he repaid using regular produce that was ritually unclean, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the repayment is accepted but he must repay again using ritually clean produce.

Terumos 10:21

If someone ate terumah belonging to a chaveir (i.e., a person careful about the laws of ritual purity), he repays that person. If he ate terumah belonging to an unlearned person, he should repay it to a chaveir, then take the value of the terumah from him and give it to the unlearned person. This is because we don’t give things that require ritual purity to unlearned people.