3,317. Repaying Terumah

Terumos 10:18

Whenever someone eats terumah – whether he did so intentionally or unintentionally – he can only repay from secular produce which has had terumos and maaseros taken. Repayment can be made from leket, shich’cha and peah (the portions left for the needy), ownerless produce and first tithe from which terumas maaser has been taken. This is so even if terumah gedolah has not yet been taken from that harvest so long as he took tithes before terumah. One may repay from second tithes and consecrated produced that were redeemed even if they weren’t redeemed properly. One may repay the old crop (yashan) using the new crop (chadash). However, one may not repay one type of produce for another as per Leviticus 22:14: “He shall give the kohein the sanctified,” i.e., the same as what he ate.

Terumos 10:19

If someone eats a (terumah) gourd of sixth-year produce, he should wait for the gourds of the eighth year to repay. This is because one can’t repay using sabbatical-year produce, as we will discuss IY”H in Hilchos Shemittah v’Yoveil.