3,316. A Woman Who Repays Terumah to Herself

Terumos 10:16

Let’s say that the daughter of a Yisroel eats terumah and then marries a kohein. If she ate terumah that was not yet acquired by a kohein, she can repay the value of the terumah plus the extra fifth to herself; if she ate terumah that a kohein had already acquired, then she must repay the value to that person, but she may keep the extra fifth for herself. This is because whenever someone must repay with the extra fifth, they can give the extra fifth to any kohein they choose.

Terumos 10:17

If the woman from the previous halacha is divorced before she repays the terumah she ate, she can no longer repay herself. She’s just as if she never married a kohein at all.