3,315. Is This Terumah or Not?

Terumos 10:14

Let’s say that there are two vessels, one of which contains terumah and the other, secular produce. Terumah falls into one of these containers, but we don’t know which one. In such a case, we assume that it fell into the vessel of terumah. Now let’s say that we don’t know which vessel contains terumah and a non-kohein eats from one of them. In such a case, he need not repay because the burden of proof is on the kohein to prove that he ate terumah. Having eaten from vessel A and not paying, he must now treat vessel B as terumah. If someone else eats from vessel B, he is also exempt, but if someone eats from both, he must pay for the smaller volume. If he ate from both intentionally, he must repay only the value of the terumah; if unintentionally, he must repay the value of the terumah plus the extra fifth.

Terumos 10:15

If someone eats the extra fifth unwittingly, he must repay it along with another extra fifth because the fifth is considered like the original value in all ways. One must continue to add fifth upon fifths forever. If someone repays terumah plus the extra fifth, what he gives is terumah in all matters except that if he plants it, what grows is regular produce. A kohein may not waive the repayment of terumah. In cases where someone must only repay the value, what he gives is regular produce and the kohein may waive repayment if he so chooses.