3,314. Learning of a Terumah Disqualification While Eating Terumah

Terumos 10:12

If the daughter of a kohein was married to a Yisroel or otherwise disqualified from eating terumah but she ate terumah anyway, she must repay its value but she need not add the extra fifth. Let’s say that (a) a woman (the daughter of a Yisroel married to a kohein) was eating terumah when she was informed that her husband died or divorced her, or (b) a servant (of a kohein) was eating terumah when he was informed that his master died and left an heir who doesn’t qualify the servant to eat terumah, or he sold or gave the servant to a Yisroel, or he freed him, or (c) a kohein was eating terumah when he learned that he was the son of a woman who was divorced or who underwent chalitzah. In all such cases, they need only repay the value of the terumah (and not add the extra fifth). If the terumah was chometz and it was the day before Pesach, they need not repay at all. This is because the time to eat chometz was rapidly running out so they had to eat in haste without investigating such things. In all cases when someone has terumah in his mouth and finds out that he’s not entitled to eat it, he must spit it out.

Terumos 10:13

Let’s say that a kohein was eating terumah when he was informed that he or it was rendered ritually unclean (at that time) or had previously been rendered ritually unclean. In all such cases, he must spit it out. The same is true if he finds out that the terumah was untithed produce (tevel), first tithe from which terumas maaser wasn’t taken, or second tithe or consecrated property that was unredeemed, or if he tasted an insect in the terumah.