3,311. Eating Terumah That Shouldn't Be Eaten at All

Terumos 10:6

If someone eats chametz terumah on Pesach, whether intentionally or unintentionally, whether it is ritually clean or unclean, he need not repay. He is exempt even if he took terumah from matzah and it subsequently leavened. He need not even repay the value of wood because it’s unfit for use as fuel. Since one is forbidden to benefit from chametz on Pesach, it has no value at all.

Terumos 10:7

If someone unwittingly ate terumah on Yom Kippur, or ate perforated terumah (suggesting that snakes may have gotten into it), or drank terumah wine that was left open (again, snakes may have gotten into it), or anointed with terumah wine and oil simultaneously, or drank terumah oil and vinegar simultaneously, or if he chewed raw kernels of terumah wheat or drank terumah vinegar – in all of these cases he must repay what he misappropriated and add the extra fifth.