3,309. The Liability for Eating Terumah

Terumos 10:2

One is liable for eating something of terumah that is typically eaten, drinking something that is typically drunk, or anointing with something typically used for anointing, as per Leviticus 22:15: “They shall not desecrate the sanctified things of the children of Israel,” which includes anointing. One must repay the value and add a fifth regardless of whether the terumah was ritually clean or unclean. One is not liable to add an extra fifth until he eats the volume of an olive as per Leviticus 22:14: “When one eats the sanctified inadvertently,” and eating means at least the volume of an olive. Just as one is liable for eating the volume of an olive, he is liable for drinking the same volume.

Terumos 10:3

Let’s say that someone ate terumah and then he did so again, or he drank terumah and then did so again. If the time he began to eat until he finished was long enough to eat half a loaf of bread, or the time he began to drink until he finished was long enough to drink a reviis (about 3.3 oz.), then everything he consumed combines towards the volume of an olive.