3,305. A Woman Whose Husband is Reported Dead

Terumos 9:4

Let’s say that a man has two wives, one of whom tells the other that their husband has died. Since wife #2 can’t remarry based on this testimony, she may continue to eat terumah on the presumption that her husband is alive until someone whose testimony is sufficient for her to remarry testifies that the husband has died. This is the case regarding testimony from any of the five women whose testimony is insufficient if they testify that a woman’s husband has died.

Terumos 9:5

If a kohein frees his servant, the freed servant may no longer eat terumah as soon as he receives his document of release. In cases where a servant is freed but his document of release is withheld – which will be discussed, IY”H in Hilchos Avadim – he is nevertheless prohibited from eating terumah.