3,303. A Woman Undergoing Divorce and Terumah

Terumos 8:16

Let’s say that the daughter of a Yisroel who has not yet reached the age of majority marries a kohein without her father’s consent, whether this happened in her father’s presence or not, and even if her father betrothed her, she may not eat terumah. This is because her father might object to the marriage, retroactively disqualifying her from eating terumah. It could be that he remained silent even though he saw what was going on because he was too angry at her marrying without his consent to speak.

Terumos 9:1

A kohein’s wife who is being divorced may continue to eat terumah until the get reaches her hand or the hand of her designated agent. If there’s a doubt as to whether or not a woman is divorced, she may not eat terumah. If a woman appoints an agent to accept her get for her, she may not eat terumah effective immediately [because he could accept the get at any time without her knowledge]. If she told the agent to accept the get for her in a particular location, she may eat terumah until the agent reaches that location. If she sent an agent to deliver her get to her, she may eat terumah until the get reaches her hand. If a kohein tells his wife, “This is your get, effective one hour before my death,” she may not eat terumah effective immediately (because he could die at any time).