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Bechoros 6:8-9

Bechoros 6:8

If the bone of a firstborn animal’s front or rear leg is broken, it’s a blemish even if the actual break isn’t visible. Illa listed all these blemishes in Yavneh and the Sages agreed with them. Illa had three more, which the Sages had not heard before: if an animal has a round eyeball like a human’s, if its mouth is like a pig’s mouth, or if the majority of the movable part of its tongue has been removed. A subsequent court agreed with Illa that these are also blemishes.

Bechoros 6:9

It once happened that a firstborn animal’s lower jaw extended past its upper jaw. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel inquired of the Sages, who ruled it a blemish. Regarding a goat that had a doubled ear (i.e., an ear inside an ear), the Sages said that if the ears share the same cartilage, it’s a blemish, and if otherwise, then not. Rabbi Chananya ben Gamliel said that if the tail of a goat is round like a pig’s tail, or if it doesn’t have three segments, then it’s a blemish.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz