3,299. A Man with Congenital Deafness Disqualifies but Does Not Enable

Terumos 8:8

If a Yisroel tells the daughter of kohein that she is betrothed to him after 30 days, she can eat terumah for those 30 days because the betrothal has not yet taken effect. If he tells her that she is betrothed to him immediately for after 30 days (i.e., his intention is unclear), she may not eat terumah. The same rules apply to other such cases of conditions.

Terumos 8:9

A man with congenital deafness (in halacha 8:1) is as follows: If the daughter of a kohein marries a Yisroel with congenital deafness, she may not eat terumah. This is because he acquires her, albeit by rabbinic enactment. If the daughter of a Yisroel marries a kohein with congenital deafness, she may not eat terumah because he doesn’t acquire her under Biblical law.