3,298. Betrothal Disqualifies but Does Not Enable

Terumos 8:6

If a yavam who is a kohein is intimate with his yevama by force, or inadvertently, or if he fails to complete the act, he acquires her (in marriage) as is discussed in the laws of yibum, but he doesn’t enable her to eat terumah until he completes the act with her consent. This is the case when the yevama was widowed from betrothal; if she was fully married, since she was able to eat terumah before, she can eat it now on the basis of the acts discussed above.

Terumos 8:7

Betrothal (in halacha 8:1) is as follows: If the daughter of a kohein is betrothed by a Yisroel, she may not eat terumah because he has already acquired her. If the daughter of a Yisroel is betrothed by a kohein, she may not eat terumah until the chuppah. This is out of concern that she might give terumah to the members of her father’s household (where she still lives until the chuppah), as was discussed in halacha 6:3.