3,295. Rabbinically Prohibited Relationships

Terumos 7:23

If a kohein gives a get to his yevama who is of kohanic descent, she becomes prohibited to him, but there is still a tie between them. The result is that she may eat terumah because she is designated for a relationship that is only prohibited under Rabbinic law, a get only disqualifying a yevama by Rabbinic enactment. Similarly, if the daughter of a kohein who underwent chalitzah or is a secondary relation is betrothed to a kohein, she can eat terumah. If a regular kohein marries an ailonis (a woman whose female attributes failed to develop), she can eat terumah.

Terumos 8:1

A fetus, a yavam, betrothal, a man with congenital deafness, and a child of the age of nine years and a day disqualify a woman from eating terumah, but they do not enable her to eat it. [This statement will be explained throughout the first dozen halachos in this chapter.]