3,293. A Kohein Who Marries a Prohibited Woman

Terumos 7:19

If the daughter of a kohein marries an Yisroel and brings servants into the marriage, they may not eat terumah regardless of what kind of property they are.

Terumos 7:20

Let’s say that a widow marries a Kohein Gadol (which is a prohibited marriage) or a divorcee or a woman who underwent chalitzah marries a regular kohein (also prohibited), or a kohein marries any other woman prohibited to him. If she brings servants who are milog* into the marriage, they may not eat terumah even though he is obligated to support them. (This is because the servants really belong to the wife, who is prohibited to a kohein.) If she brings servants who are tzon barzel** into the marriage, they may eat terumah because they belong to the husband (the kohein). If a kohein marries a secondary (Rabbinic) prohibited relation, she may eat terumah, but her milog servants may not. The rules in this halacha apply regardless of whether the prohibited woman is the daughter of a kohein or of a Yisroel.

*Milog property, in the event of the dissolution of the marriage, reverts to the woman’s ownership based upon its current value and the woman enjoys the profit or takes the loss.

**Tzon barzel property is appraised before the wedding. Should the marriage be dissolved, the woman receives that amount and the husband enjoys the profit or takes the loss.