Asher Yatzar - Elokai Neshama

QUESTION: If one forgot to recite the beracha of Elokai Neshama and only remembered after Shmoneh Esrei, should Elokai Neshama be recited after davening?

ANSWER: The Pri Chadash (OC 46:1) infers from the wording of the Yerushalmi that if one ended the beracha of Elokai Neshama with the words “mechayei ha’meisim” (who resurrects the dead), instead of “ha’machazir neshamos lifgarim meisim” (who restores the souls to lifeless bodies), the beracha is acceptable. Based on this ruling, many poskim (including the Chayei Adam and Derech HaChaim) write that if one already davened Shmoneh Esrei (which includes the beracha of “mechayei ha’meisim”), they may no longer recite the beracha of Elokai Neshama, since they both refer to the same concept of techias ha’meisim. However, other poskim, including the Vilna Gaon and the Ma’amar Mordechai, disagree with the Pri Chadash. The Beiur Halacha (52: s.v. u’mikol) writes that since there is no clear ruling, it is best to avoid this dispute and have in mind during the beracha of Mechayei Ha’meisim in Shmoneh Esrei that you do not want to fulfill your obligation of Elokai Neshama. Then, according to all opinions, you can recite Elokai Neshama after Shmoneh Esrei. However, if you did not have this in mind, those who recite the beracha afterwards will not lose out, nor do we object to those who follow the Chayei Adam not to recite it.


The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.