3,283. Having Both Kohein Descendants and Yisroel Descendants

Terumos 6:18

Similar to the case in the previous halacha, let’s say that a kohein’s daughter marries a Yisroel and has a child with him. If she later marries a kohein, she may eat terumah. If her husband the kohein dies, but she had a child with him, she eat terumah. If her child from the kohein dies, she may not eat terumah because of her son from the Yisroel. If her son from the Yisroel dies, she goes back to her father’s house and may eat terumah, though not the breast and thigh of peace offerings.

Terumos 6:19

Let's say that a Yisroel’s daughter marries a Yisroel and has a child with him. If she later marries a kohein, she may eat terumah. If her husband the kohein dies, but she had a child with him, she may eat terumah because of the child, who enables her to eat terumah just as his father did.