3,276. Non-Kohanim and Terumah

Terumos 6:4

A woman with congenital deafness or lacking mental competence who is married to a kohein may not eat terumah, even if she was married off by her father. This is out of concern that a kohein with congenital deafness might marry such a woman (which is a marriage effected by rabbinic enactment) and give her terumah to eat (which would not be permitted under Biblical law). In order to avoid this, the Sages ruled that a woman with congenital deafness who is the daughter of an Israelite may not eat terumah at all.

Terumos 6:5

A non-kohein may not eat terumah as per Leviticus 22:10: “All outsiders may not eat the sanctified.” This applies even to a kohein’s resident employee and his hired hand, since the verse continues: “A resident of the kohein and his hired hand may not eat the sanctified.” A resident employee is one who was hired to work forever, while a hired hand is one who was hired for a set period of time. A Jewish servant is like a resident employee or a hired hand. A woman of a kohein family who marries a non-kohein is a non-kohein. This is derived from the words “all outsiders,” meaning neither the non-kohein nor his wife.