3,274. Who Can Eat Terumah?

Terumos 5:26

Let’s say that someone puts aside produce to take terumah from until it’s all terumah. While one should optimally only take terumah from produce in the same location, if he took terumah in this way, we assume that the produce still exists. If he finds that it has been destroyed, all the produce for which he took terumah from it is suspect because maybe he only took that terumah after the produce had been destroyed. In such a case, he must take terumah for that produce again.

Terumos 6:1

Terumah gedolah and terumas maaser may be eaten by kohanim – both adults and children, both males and females, plus their Canaanite servants and their animals as per Leviticus 22:11, “When a kohein acquires a person (i.e., a servant), he acquires him financially” (the legal ramification being that the servant is considered an extension of the kohein himself). If the Canaanite servant of a kohein runs away, or the wife of a kohein rebels against him, they may still eat terumah.