3,268. Terumah From Produce That Requires It Biblically vs. Rabbinically

Terumos 5:14

One may not take terumah from produce that requires it be taken under Biblical law for produce that requires it be taken by Rabbinic enactment, nor vice versa. If one did take such terumah, what he took is terumah, but he must take terumah again properly in order to fulfill his obligation.

Terumos 5:15

A perforated flowerpot is considered to be connected to the ground. For this to be the case, the hole must be large enough for a small root to pass through, which is a hole smaller than an olive. Let’s say that someone planted produce in an unperforated flowerpot, which is where it reached a third of its growth, and then he perforated the pot so that the produce completed its growth in a perforated flowerpot. In such a case, it is considered to have grown in an unperforated pot. The opposite is the case when the pot is perforated before the produce reaches a third of its growth.