3,267. Terumah for Produce That Doesn't Require It

Terumos 5:12

One may not take the produce of Israel as terumah for the produce of other lands, nor vice versa. One may not take the produce of Israel as terumah for the produce of Syria (referring to lands annexed to Israel), nor vice versa. Likewise, one may not take terumah from produce that doesn’t require terumah to be taken, such as leket, shich’cha and peah, or from produce from which terumah was already taken for produce that requires terumah to be taken, nor may one take terumah from produce that requires it for produce that doesn’t. If such terumah is taken, it’s not terumah.

Terumos 5:13

If one takes terumah for other produce from first tithe whose terumah has not been taken, or from second tithe or consecrated produce that have not been redeemed, what he has separated isn’t terumah.