3,263. Taking Terumah From Produce Whose Work Has Been Completed

Terumos 5:4

One doesn’t take terumah from produce whose work was completed for produce whose work wasn’t completed, nor from produce whose work wasn’t completed for produce whose work wasn’t completed, nor from produce whose work wasn’t completed for produce whose work was completed, as per Numbers 18:30: “Like grain from the granary and like wine from the vat.” We see that terumah is only taken from produce whose work was completed for produce whose work was completed. If one did take terumah in one of the above cases, what he separated is valid terumah.

Terumos 5:5

Terumah is taken from a granary once the grains are separated. If one separated some, he may take terumah from the grains he separated for what was not yet separated. If he brings stalks into his home to eat from the husk, he takes terumah from the grain in the stalks.