3,251. People Who Shouldn't Take Terumah (and It Doesn't Count if They Do)

Terumos 4:1

One may appoint an agent to separate terumos and maaseros for him as per Numbers 18:28: “So shall you separate, also you,” which includes doing so through an agent. A non-Jew may not be serve as this agent because the phrase “also you” means that the agent must be like you in this matter.

Terumos 4:2

There are five who don’t take terumah and if they do, what they took isn’t terumah. The five are a person with congenital deafness, a person lacking mental competence, a minor, a non-Jew who took terumah from a Jew’s produce – even with the owner’s permission, and one who takes terumah from another person’s produce without the owner’s permission If one took terumah from his own produce for produce belonging to someone else, what he took is terumah and fulfills the obligation on the other person’s produce. The right to pick which kohein gets the terumah goes to the one who separated it.