3,248. Taking Terumas Maaser From Elsewhere

Terumos 3:19

If someone gathered vegetables in bunches left them in his garden, he may take terumah from one bunch for all of them. If he places a different type of produce in between the bunches, then he must take terumah from each bunch separately. If he put several different species in the same vessel, such as cabbage on the top and on the bottom with a different species in the middle, then he may not take terumah from the top for the bottom. If he gathered five piles of produce in the same granary, he may take terumah from one for all of them so long as the he has not started removing produce from the granary. If he has, then he must take terumah from each pile separately.

Terumos 3:20

Terumas maaser can be taken even when the produce isn’t in the same location, as per Numbers 18:28, which says to take terumah “from all your tithes.” We infer from this that even when one has tithes in different cities, he can take terumah once for all of them. Torah scholars, however, only take their terumah from produce in one location, including terumas maaser.