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Chulin 8:1-2

Chulin 8:1

We are not permitted to cook any kind of flesh with milk except that of fish and locusts, nor may we place any kind of flesh on a table with cheese except for that of fish and locusts. If a person took a vow not to eat flesh, he may still eat the flesh of fish and locusts. Beis Shammai say that poultry may be placed on a table with cheese but they may not be eaten together; Beis Hillel say they may neither be placed nor eaten together. Rabbi Yosi pointed out that this is one of the cases in which Beis Shammai is lenient and Beis Hillel is stringent. This halacha only refers to a table at which one eats; when it comes to a table on which one prepares food, one may put meat and cheese side by side without concern.

Chulin 8:2

One may tie meat and cheese in the same cloth so long as they don’t touch. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said that two strangers at an inn – one eating meat and the other eating cheese – can eat at the same table without concern.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz