3,217. Beginning Hilchos Terumos

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 10:19

Let’s say that someone doesn’t really need charity, but he tricks people and receives it. Such a person will not reach old age without needing charity for real, as per Jeremiah 17:5: “Cursed is one who trusts in mortals.” On the other hand, if someone truly can’t survive without charity because of age, illness or troubles, but he’s too proud to accept it, he considered as a murderer (i.e., of himself). He is liable for his own life and whatever he earned through his hardships is sinful. But if someone could use charity, but he endures short-term difficulties rather than burden the community, then he will not reach old age before he becomes able to support others. Regarding such a person, Jeremiah 17:7 teaches, “Blessed is the one who trusts in God.”

Terumos 1:1

Under Biblical law, terumos and maaseros (tithes) only apply in Israel. This is the case regardless of whether the Temple is standing. The prophets instituted that these obligations also be observed in Babylonia because it’s next to Israel and most Jews would travel back and forth between the two. The early Sages instituted that they also be observed in Egypt, Ammon and Moab because these lands surround Israel.