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Chulin 6:6-7

Chulin 6:6

The blood that spurted from the slaughter wound and the blood on the knife must be covered. Rabbi Yehuda said that this is only when there’s no other blood but when there’s other blood, one is exempt from covering these bloods.

Chulin 6:7

One may cover the blood with dust made from fine dung, fine sand, lime, crushed pottery, or a brick or an earthenware bottle stopper that have been pulverized. One may not cover the blood using coarse dung, coarse sand, or a brick or an earthenware bottle stopper that have not been pulverized. One may likewise not invert a vessel over the blood. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said that the general rule is that one may cover the blood using anything that plants can grow in; if plants can’t grow in it, it can’t be used to cover the blood.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz