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Chulin 6:4-5

Chulin 6:4

If a person slaughtered 100 wild animals in the same place, one covering suffices for all of them; the same is true if he slaughtered 100 birds in the same place, or a wild animal and a bird in the same place. Rabbi Yehuda says that if one slaughtered a wild animal, he should first cover the blood and only then slaughter the bird. If a person slaughtered and did not cover the blood, and then another person saw the blood, the latter must cover it. If one covered the blood and it became uncovered, he need not re-cover it. If the wind covered the blood, the person must still actively cover it.

Chulin 6:5

If the blood got mixed with water but still looked like blood, it must be covered; if it got mixed with wine, we treat it as if it were water. If it got mixed with the blood of a domesticated animal or of a wild animal, it is treated as if it were water, though Rabbi Yehuda says that blood doesn’t nullify other blood.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz