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Chulin 5:1-2

Chulin 5:1

The prohibition against slaughtering an animal and its young on the same day applies both in Israel and outside of it, both when the Temple is standing and when it isn’t, both to secular food and to sacrifices, as follows: if one slaughters an animal and its young as secular food outside the Temple, both animals are kosher and the one who slaughtered the second animal receives 40 lashes for violating the prohibition. If one slaughters an animal and its young as sacrifices outside the Temple, the one who slaughtered the first is liable to kareis (excision – for slaughtering a sacrifice outside), both animals are unfit for use as sacrifices, and both slaughterers receive 40 lashes. If one slaughters an animal and its young as secular food inside the Temple, both animals are unfit and the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes. If one slaughters an animal and its young as sacrifices inside the Temple, the first is fit and its slaughterer did nothing improper; the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes and his animal is unfit for use as a sacrifice.

Chulin 5:2

If one slaughters an animal and its young as secular food and a sacrifice outside the Temple, the first is kosher and its slaughterer did nothing improper; the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes and his animal is unfit. As a sacrifice and secular food outside the Temple, the first slaughterer is liable to kareis and his animal is unfit; the second animal is kosher and both slaughterers receive 40 lashes. As secular food and a sacrifice inside the Temple, both animals are unfit and the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes. As a sacrifice and secular food inside the Temple, the first is fit and its slaughterer did nothing improper; the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes and his animal is unfit for use as a sacrifice. If one slaughters an animal and its young as secular food, one outside the Temple and one inside, the first is kosher and its slaughterer did nothing improper; the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes and his animal is unfit. If one slaughters an animal and its young as sacrifices, one outside the Temple and one inside, the first slaughter is liable to kareis, both animals are unfit, and both slaughterers receive 40 lashes. As secular food inside and outside the Temple, the first animal is unfit and its slaughterer did nothing improper; the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes and his animal is kosher. As sacrifices inside and outside the Temple, the first animal is fit and its slaughterer did nothing improper; the second slaughterer receives 40 lashes and his animal is unfit.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz