960. Species That Were Brought on Shabbos

136:9 An arava that was picked on yom tov - whether on the first day or the second day - may not be used or even handled on that day because it is pure muktzeh. If it was picked on the first day of yom tov, it may be used on the second day. However, if the first day was Shabbos and it was picked on that day, it may not be used even on the second day. If one brought an esrog or the other species from outside the techum (the Shabbos boundary), they may be handled and carried out (even by the person for whom it was brought – OC 655:1) but if the city does not have an eiruv, they may not be brought outside of the house where they reside. Instead, people must go there to use them.

136:10 It is preferable for one who does not have choice samples of all four species to use a friend's; this will be discussed in greater detail in 137:8. In any event, it is a mitzvah for one to also have his own set of the four species as nice as he can afford to wave during Hallel and Hoshanos. (MB 658:39 disagrees and says that it would be preferable to recite the bracha over one’s own set of the four species even if they are not choice. Editor's note: The Kitzur here refers to "hakafos," but it doesn't mean what we call hakafos, i.e., on Simchas Torah. The Hoshanos procession around the bimah is also a "hakafa.")