957. More About the Hadassim

136:3  The minimum required length of the hadassim is three handbreadths (about 10.5 or 11 inches) but in a case of need, ten thumb-breadths (about 8.5 or 9 inches) is sufficient. The whole hadas should be three-leaved from bottom to top but in a case of need, if a small portion at the bottom is not three-leaved but the major portion above is, then the hadas is still valid. One must be diligent that the top leaves haven't fallen off the hadassim because if even a few leaves fall, there are a number of issues and an authority must be consulted.

136:4  One must make sure that the top of the hadas - meaning the top of the stem - is not broken (or dried out – Mishnah Brurah 646:31). If one only has hadassim with broken tops, an authority must be consulted. However, the small branches that extend from between the stems should be pruned so that they do not separate between the stems.