3,154. Olelos

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:16

Let’s say that someone was harvesting grapes. He cut off a cluster, which got tangled with its leaves, fell to the ground and split into individual grapes. This isn’t peret. However, if he was throwing the grape clusters to the ground, then even if half the cluster separates, it’s peret. Similarly, if a whole cluster breaks into individual grapes, they’re peret. If someone puts a basket under the vine while harvesting (in order to catch the falling grapes), he’s stealing from the needy.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:17

An oleles is a small cluster that isn’t thick like a regular cluster, it doesn’t have a kataf,* and the grapes aren’t notfos* on one another; rather, they are scattered. If the cluster has either a kataf or a nataf, it remains the property of the landowner. In a case of a doubt, it goes to the needy.

*These terms are explained in halacha 4:18.