3,148. Sheaves Scattered by the Wind

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:4

Let’s say that two stalks were standing next to one another. The inner stalk could be harvested with the standing grain, while the outer stalk could be harvested with the inner stalk, but not with the standing grain. In such a case, the inner stalk is saved from being leket and it saves the outer stalk with it. This is because it’s considered to be fallen from the sickle, even though it has not yet been harvested. Stalks that remain among straw remain the property of the field’s owner.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:5

Let’s say that the sheaves were scattered by the wind, with the result that the owner’s harvest got mixed with the leket. In such a case, we estimate the volume of leket expected from such a field and leave that amount for the needy. There’s no penalty (as in cases we will see shortly) because this mix-up wasn’t the owner’s fault. The amount of leket left is four kav (about 1.75 gallons) for an area fit to plant a kor (about 60 gallons) of wheat.