3,146. Leket

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:23

One who harvests part of his vineyard on either side in order to thin out the vines, leaving more room for the other clusters to grow, is called a reducer. It was already discussed [halacha 2:6] that one who harvests on one side is not considered a reducer; he must therefore leave enough peah for the whole field even though he harvested for sale in the market. However, if he reduces in order to sell in the market, then he doesn’t leave peah for the produce that he took. If he reduced in order to take the produce home, then he must leave enough peah for the whole field from the grapes that he left behind for the winepress.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 4:1

Leket refers to produce that falls from the sickle when reaping or from one’s hand when gathering. Leket only applies to one or two stalks of grain; if three stalks fell at once, they remain the property of the field’s owner. If grain fell from behind one’s sickle or hand, even a single stalk isn’t leket.