3,145. Carob Trees and Olives Trees

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:21

Let's say that one person stands next to a carob tree and another stands next to a different carob tree. If they can see one another, the trees are considered to be in the same field, with the result that one peah is left for both of them. However, if two people by distant trees can both see a tree in between them but not one another, then one can leave peah from the outer trees for the middle tree, and from the middle tree for the outer trees, but he may not leave peah from one outer tree for an outer tree on the other side.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:22

All olive trees on one side of a city, such as on the east or on the west, are considered to be from one field and one peah is left for all of them.