3,143. Divvying Up a Field

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:17

Let’s say that half a field of produce reached one-third of its full growth but the other half did not yet do so. The owner harvested half of the produce that had matured one-third, after which the rest of the field ripened to one-third of its full growth. The owner then finished harvesting the half of the field that had previously reached a third of its growth. In such a case, he can leave peah from the produce harvested first for the middle and from the middle for the first and for the last.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:18

Regarding one who sells different sections of his field to a number of different buyers, if he sold his whole field, each buyer must leave a separate peah for the lot that he bought. If the original owner started harvesting his field and then he sold part and kept part, he leaves enough peah for the entire field. This is because once he began harvesting, he became obligated in peah for the whole field. If he sold lots from the field before he started harvesting, then the buyer must leave peah for what he purchased and the owner leaves peah for the rest of the field.