3,142. One Who Planted Two Types of the Same Grain

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:15

Let’s say that someone plants two types of the same species, such as two types of wheat or of barley. If he makes one heap of them, he leaves one peah, and if he makes two heaps, he leaves separate peah for each. This is a law that was transmitted to Moshe at Sinai.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:16

If brothers divided inherited property, they each leave their own peah. If they later join together as partners, they only leave one peah. If partners harvest half a field and then dissolve their partnership, the one who takes the harvested grain doesn’t leave anything, while the one who takes the standing grain need only leave peah for the half that he took as his share. If they later join together as partners again and they harvest the second half of the field as partners, then either of them can leave peah for the other’s share of standing grain from his own share of standing grain, but not for grain that has already been harvested.